Music allows us to express ourselves and criticize society, but because its music, people tend to be more receptive. In this single song of Jack Johnson's he points out our societies' blind following of the media, neglect of major world issues, and constant warfare. But you can't help but be soothed by the music.
Johnson points out some very interesting aspects of our culture. Through lines like "You could watch it instead from the comfort of your burning beds …Or you can sleep through the static", Johnson points out that we tend to ignore worldly issues and just watch them unfold from our own homes. All the while, we fail to realize the impact on our own culture and lives the events can have; we don't realize that our beds are burning. We just "sleep through the static" or we ignore important things and cast of warnings as "static".
Songs like these are extremely important for our culture. It is a way of getting opinions out there, that might otherwise come off as the whining of a passive generation. Since we let our guard down when we listen to music, we open our minds. Once we have open minds we can listen to interesting ideas without being exceptionally critical. In a subconscious way, we can begin to accept the faults of our society and culture.
Music can also affect our culture negatively. Music with intense violence, sexuality, and music that objectifies women is not a positive subconscious influence. I am not advocating a worldwide clean-up of popular music, I would be a hypocrite if I said I didn't listen to this kind of music, but we should be careful with how openly we accept it. We should embrace eye-opening music and cautiously digest more vulgar music.