Sunday, May 2, 2010

Metacognition: Jane Eyre Collaboration

I think what made this project so effective was the chance to work in groups. Discussing ideas with fellow students helped me to get to a deeper level of the text. The conversations themselves were the vehicle for that. Every time someone responded, agreed, disagreed, questioned, or challenged my idea it forced me to think deeper about it and how I could articulate what I was feeling.

Because the discussion was the best part, my group and I took advantage of class time to discuss our project face to face. We then kept notes so to serve as the outline for our typed transcript. We ran into some problems there though because once we assigned characters it took a very long time to have the discussion again on our Google doc because everyone had such different schedules.

The work of relating the Jane Eyre text to modern times wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Because so many of the take aways from the story talk about the dynamics of relationships it was very easy to juxtapose those dynamics with modern problems. For example the lovers kept apart by tradition became the lovers kept apart by technology mediated relationships. We keep the basis of the struggle, separated lovers, but just changed the circumstances.

The only thing my brain had trouble with were the logistics of the project, like trying to coordinate times when we could collaborate, but I think this was only because of the headache this caused, not due to level of difficulty.

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